Have you cleared the SSC CHSL written exam? If yes, then be ready for the final round which is SSC CHSL Typing Test 2025. As students after qualifying for the tier 1 and tier 2 exams they need to go for tier 3 which is also known as SSC CHSL Typing Test is the final step and after qualifying it students will be part of the government jobs. So let’s follow the SSC CHSL Typing Test 2025 here and get to know How to Crack 10+2 Typing Speed in detail.
SSC CHSL Skill test is another name to pronounce for the final step of the SSC CHSL exam so those who are seeking to know How to Crack 10+2 Typing Speed to reserve their seat in the government cadre then it is important to follow each and every step of SSC 10+2 skill test in a clear way.
Tier 3 Exam which is also known as the final exam to resave their seat is not as easy as you are thinking. Most of the candidates think that after qualifying for the written exam they can easily able crack the SSC CHSL Tier 3 Exam which is not a big deal for them. But to be honest, it is a true myth. So you do not need to think that there is no competition in the SSC CHSL Typing Test Format exam.
Below we have featured some of the typing exam instructions so that students need to read these all instructions very carefully so that they can be active and prepared for that. So let’s process now!
Read– SSC Exam Calendar 2025 Download in PDF, Exam Date/Schedule & New Upcoming Vacancy @ssc.nic.in
Typing Test Speed for SSC CHSL DEO = For English 35 Words, For Hindi 30 Words
SSC CHSL LDC Typing Test Speed = For English 35 Words, For Hindi 30 Words
Need to type 30 words per minute.
There should be the speed of pressing 9000 keys per hour.
One needs to type 35 words per minute in English typing
There should be the speed of pressing 10500 keys per hour.
In this list, we have covered the entire SSC CHSL Typing Cut-Off 2025 details inappropriate manner. So students need to keep in mind that the cut-off percentage is very impotent for this exam. Just follow the category-wise percentage from the below section.
Category | Cut-off Percentage of Mistakes in Typing Test |
Candidates qualified/ exempted from Typing Test |
SC | 10% | 2007 |
ST | 10% | 854 |
OBC | 10% | 8436 |
EXS | 10% | 358 |
OH | 10% | 343* |
HH | 10% | 59 |
VH | 10% | 219 |
UR | 7% | 4333 |
16,609 |
This can be one of the important sections for all the students who are going to take the exam because most of the students are curious to know what will happen if they made a mistake during the exam and how many mistakes are allowed in the typing test. So to get everything in a clear way the user needs to follow the whole section and catch everything in a clear way.
Calculation of Error Percentage in SSC DEST/Skill Test
%Error = Total Error/Total no of Key Strokes X 100.
LDC: 10 min (35 wpm or 1750 depression)
DEO: 15 min (27 wpm or 2000 depression)
LDC: 10 min (30 wpm or 1500 depression)
There are two types of mistakes:
(i) Full Mistakes
For every omission of a word/ figure.
Every substitution of a wrong word /figure.
Every addition of a word/figure is not found in the passage.
(ii) Half Mistakes
Candidates also need to keep in mind that if they made any corrections by pen or pencil then they will truly be ignored and marks will be awarded for this kind of correction.
It was all about the SSC CHSL Typing Test 2025 How to Crack 10+2 Typing Speed, Skill Test that we have listed on this blog, candidates while reading this blog if find any issues or want to ask anything that rooming-in their mind then they can drop their valuable comment in below section.