CDS Syllabus And Exam Pattern 2025: Marking Scheme

CDS Syllabus And Exam Pattern 2025: Marking Scheme

CDS Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025 have been featured here! Students who are going to appear for the exam need to know all the details of its syllabus and exam pattern.

CDS, known as “Combined Defence Services,” is one of the reputed exams in India conducted by The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). This exam is conducted twice a year to hire a bunch of candidates for several posts, including Indian Military Academy, Officers Training Academy, Indian Naval Academy, and Indian Air Force Academy.

Those who are unmarried and have graduated are eligible to apply for this examination. Those who will be able to pass this exam successfully can be part of the interview. The details of the entire CDS Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025 have been mentioned in this section. So one needs to follow every piece of information in detail and analyze it in the proper way to crack the exam in one go and grab the appropriate marks.


Name of Exam Combined Defence Services (CDS)
Conducted by  Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Mode of exam Offline
Number of sections Indian Military Academy (IMA), Indian Naval Academy (INA), and Air Force Academy (AFA) – Three Officers’ Training Academy (OTA) – Two
Total marks of the test IMA, INA, and AFA – 300 OTA – 200
Nature of questions Objective type
CDS 1 2025 Exam Date 10th April 2025
Language of question paper Hindi and English
Duration of the test 2 hours for each section of the test
Official Website

CDS Exam Pattern 2025

The CDS Exam Pattern is important for the aspirants who are going to appear for the exam. In the below section, we have covered the detailed subject-wise duration, maximum marks information, and its duration so that at the examination hall, students will be able to cover all the topics in detail.

CDS Exam Pattern for IMA, INA, AFA

Subject Duration Maximum marks
English 2 hours 100
General Knowledge 2 hours 100
Elementary Mathematics 2 hours 100

CDS Exam Pattern for OTA

Subject Duration Maximum marks
English 2 hours 100
General Knowledge 2 hours 100

ReadCDS 2025 Notification Out for 371 Vacancies, Apply Online for CDS 1 Exam

Marking Scheme Guideline

  • Negative marking is applicable for each wrong-marked answer.
  • Each question has 4 options, and out of these, only 1 option is correct.
  • One-third mark will be cut for each wrong answer.
  • More than one option marked is treated as wrong. However, if a question is left then there will be no negative marking.

CDS Syllabus 2025- Subject-Wise Syllabus

The CDS curriculum is based on three subjects: English, Elementary Mathematics, and General Knowledge and each grade is crucial to qualification and selection. Apart from knowing and getting the detailed syllabus, the CDS 2 exam pattern also plays an important role as it lists the total marks in each section. Check the UPSC CDS syllabus 2025 in the table below.

Sections Name of Topics
English  Spotting Errors Questions

Sentence Arrangement Questions

Synonyms & Antonyms

Selecting Words

Ordering of Sentence

Comprehension Questions

Ordering of words in a sentence

Fill in the blanks questions

Idioms and Phrases

General Awareness (GK)  Economics


Current Affairs





Defense-related Award










Elementary Mathematics

These are the expected mathematics topics, which we have covered a bunch of to get good scores in the upcoming examination. The upcoming mathematics paper consists of a ton of questions, including arithmetic, algebra, menstruation, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics. Just follow the detailed  CDS mathematics Syllabus 2025 from here.

Algebra  Basic Operations

simple factors

Remainder Theorem



Theory of polynomials

solutions of quadratic equations

relation between its roots and coefficients (Only real roots to be considered)

Simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns—analytical and graphical solutions

Simultaneous linear inequations in two variables and their solutions

Practical problems leading to two simultaneous linear equations or inequations in two variables or quadratic equations in one variable & their solutions

Set language and set notation

Rational expressions and conditional identities

Laws of indices

Arithematic  Number System: Natural numbers, Integers, Rational and Real numbers.

Fundamental operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, Square roots, Decimal fractions

Unitary method

time and distance

time and work


applications to simple and compound interest

profit and loss

ratio and proportion


Elementary Number Theory: Division algorithm

Prime and composite numbers

Tests of divisibility by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11

Multiples and factors. Factorisation Theorem

H.C.F. and L.C.M.

Euclidean algorithm

Logarithms to base 10

laws of logarithms

use of logarithmic tables

Trigonometry  Sine ×, cosine ×, Tangent × when 0° < × < 90°

Values of sin ×, cos ×, and tan ×, for ×= 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, and 90°

Simple trigonometric identities

Use of trigonometric tables

Simple cases of heights and distances

Geometry  Lines and angles

Plane and plane figures

Theorems on Properties of angles at a point

Parallel lines

Sides and angles of a triangle

Congruency of triangles

Similar triangles

Concurrence of medians and altitudes

Properties of angles

sides and diagonals of a Parallelogram

rectangle and square

Circles and their properties, including tangents and normals

Mensuration  Areas of squares



triangle and circle

Areas of figures can be split up into these figures (Field Book)

Surface area and volume of cuboids

lateral surface and volume of right circular cones and cylinders

surface area and volume of spheres

Statistics  Collection and tabulation of statistical data

Graphical representation frequency polygons


bar charts

pie charts etc

Measures of central tendency

CDS Syllabus – English

There are a ton of questions related to English for CDS Exams designed to acknowledge candidates’ understanding of basic grammar, vocabulary, and knowledge of the English Language. Below we have given expected questions that are going to from the following topics:

  • Synonyms
  • Word substitution
  • Antonyms
  • Sentence improvement
  • Comprehension
  • Selecting Words
  • Ordering of words in a sentence
  • Ordering of sentences
  • Spotting Errors

CDS Syllabus – General Knowledge

In this section, we have covered CDS General Knowledge information, in which the Current Affairs and Static GK syllabus are included. Below we have covered the various General Knowledge papers, including questions.

  • Economics
  • Sociology
  • Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
  • Environment
  • History
  • Geography
  • Politics
  • Sports
  • Culture and Traditions
  • Awards
  • Books & Authors


What is CDS exam eligibility?

The candidate must possess the graduate certificate to be eligible for the NDA examination. The minimum qualification required to appear for the CDS exam is Graduation/Bachelors from a government-recognized university.

What is the salary of CDS?

The detailed Rank Salary structure of CDS from the below section also follows so one needs to follow it in detail.

Rank Level Pay Scale/ Salary
Captain Level 10 B INR 61,300 – 1,93,900
Major Level 11 INR 69,400 – 2,07,200
Lieutenant Colonel Level 12 A INR 1,21,200 – 2,12,400
Colonel Level 13 INR 1,30,600 – 2,15,900

What is the CDS Exam Syllabus?

The syllabus of CDS is based on three subjects, which include English, Elementary Mathematics, and General Knowledge, and each of these is important to qualify and get selected. Apart from knowing and getting the detailed syllabus, the CDS 2 exam pattern also plays an important role as it lists the total marks in each section.

Is the CDS exam too tough?

No, the CDS exam is not as difficult as you are thinking, if students prepare properly then they will be able to clear this exam easily.

Which subjects are important for CDS?

You are asking about the subjects whose questions are asked in the CDS exam, the CDS exam pattern for the written exam for admission to India Naval Academy, Indian Military Academy, and Air Force Academy will consist of three main subjects which are elementary maths General Knowledge, English.

What is the eligibility for CDS?

<25 years unmarried or >25 years married and unmarried both are eligible to apply for this exam. Unmarried women, unmarried widows who have not remarried, and unmarried divorcees (in possession of divorce documents) who have not remarried are eligible.

Final words!

Expected that featuring all the information about the CDS Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025 will surely play a vital role for you. With this, students will be able to crack the exam with appropriate marks and be able to be a part of the interview section.

After reading this blog, if you find any issues or want to ask anything, do comment in the below section so that our top experts can serve you with the best possible solutions.

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Write By

Riya Sharma

Meet our accomplished author, Ms. Riya Sharma, a passionate educator and mentor with over 15 years of experience in the field of education. With a Master's degree in education from Delhi University, she has dedicated her career to empowering and inspiring students, especially young, enthusiastic students, to excel in their academic pursuits. Her expertise lies in exam preparation, and she has helped numerous students achieve academic success through her innovative teaching methodologies. With her in-depth knowledge of the education system and career options in India, she provides insightful analysis and guidance to students looking to chart their career paths after completing their 12th grade.