CEPT University Ahmedabad Campus 2025: Cafeteria and Classrooms

Year of Establishment
Rohan Tyagi

Updated On: 02:01:50 AM

The CEPT University Ahmedabad Campus provides multiple services and amenities to its students. Below are some of the facilities offered to the students that can avail of while being in the institute:

Library: The Lilavati Lalbhai library is the resource of CEPT University. The institute has lately upgraded the 3-year plan for the library which entails: 

  • long-term stewardship of resources, 
  • sustainability of technical, social, and economic models that will support the invention, usage and conservation of knowledge.

Workshops: With the help of the workshop facility, students can enhance themselves by learning and upgrading their skills and knowledge through:

  • Preparation of model
  • Prototyping
  • Discovery of materials
  • Experimentation

Labs: It was initiated in the year 1991 to assist in upgrading the technical as well as practical knowledge of the students using hands-on experimentation. 

IT Services: CEPT University offers information and communication technology services to its students. The institute is also accountable for maintaining infrastructural facilities and it also ensures regular availability of services.

Apart from the above-stated facilities offered by the institute, it also offers additional facilities to the students which include:

  • Ceramic Workshop
  • Metal Workshop
  • Textile Workshop 
  • Seminar Room 
  • Conference Room
  • Fabrication Lab
  • CEPT students cafe